Board of Director Elections

The Footlight Club is looking for new Board of Director Members and Committee Members to join our team!

Hello Footlight Members!

The Footlight Club Board of Directors is looking for new Board of Director Members and Committee Members to join our team this coming October, 2020. The Board of Directors is the official governing body of the Club and is responsible for running the day-to-day business for the Footlight Club.  The Board meets once per month during our regular season, sets all policies and procedures, approves all production budgets, and much much more.

We have several positions whose Board terms are ending this October 2020. Due to COVID-19 restrictions on groups meetings and recommendations to remain socially distant amid the pandemic, the Board of Directors decided to postpone elections that were expected in June 2020 until we could (ideally) meet in person in the Fall. While we are still unsure if meeting in person for our October member meeting will be feasible, we are monitoring the situation, and will continue to be in communication about the meeting’s format. Rest assured, we will hold elections in October regardless of the format of the meeting. 

Board of Director Positions Up For Election:

Two Officer Positions:

President:   (2-Year Term, max 3 consecutive terms)  

To be eligible to serve as President of the Club, a candidate must have served at any time for no less than one (1) year as a member of the Footlight Club's Board of Directors or Trustees.

The President shall be executive officer of the corporation and of the Board of Directors. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the corporation and the Board of Directors. Except where otherwise provided in these By Laws, the President shall appoint the chairmen of all standing committees, and the members thereof upon the recommendation of each chairman. He/she shall be ex-officio member of all standing committees. He/she shall have the general powers and duties usually vested in the office of President of a corporation. He/She shall oversee any outside partnerships and shall delegate responsibility of managing those partnerships as appropriate. He/she shall make a full written report of the affairs of the Club for the preceding year at the Annual meeting and may recommend such measures, as he/she or the Board of Directors deems advisable.

Vice President : (2-Year Term, max 3 consecutive terms)

The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume that office with no other action by the Board of Directors or the Membership. The Vice President shall organize and schedule each year the first meeting of the Nominating Committee and shall serve as chairperson of the By Laws Committee. He/she shall advise the Board of Directors of the requirements of the By Laws in any actions the Board might take and shall perform such duties as the President may from time to time designate.

Three Director Positions:

Promotions Director : (3-year term)  shall be responsible for the publicity of the productions of the Club, in addition to the promotion of the Club as a whole, as well as Eliot Hall. He/she will coordinate advertising and publicity efforts with producers and managers of the different activities of the Club and will attempt to maximize the size of the Club’s audience and the participation of the community in each of the Club’s activities. He/She will oversee all public relations and community outreach programs of the Club.

Facilities Director : (3-year term)  shall be responsible for the maintenance and use of Eliot Hall. He/she will schedule the use of the building and see that it is prepared for each use. He/she will coordinate rentals, see to cleaning, repair and auditorium setup for each use. He/she shall act as liaison between the Board of Directors and the Trustees of Eliot Hall in regard to the use or alteration of the building. 

Volunteers Director : (3-year term)   shall act as personnel director for the corporation, organizing and supervising a systematic method of recruiting, identifying and contacting Members and others for volunteer help for the Club’s activities.

In addition to the positions listed above, Olivia Sederlund, our current  Productions Director (3-year term)  is looking for a Deputy to train for her position. The Productions Director deputy would shadow the Productions Director in his/her duties in the hopes they will then be elected in June 2021. The Productions Director shall act as a liaison between the Board of Directors and the Producers and Directors of all shows for the current season. He/She shall oversee current productions and support the Producers in the recruitment of technical staff for each production. He/She shall coordinate and oversee the 7A Series.

Committee Members:

In addition to the five Board positions listed above, the Footlight Club is looking for committee members for the following committees:

Nominating Committee: (One-year term, no term limit)

The N ominating Committee shall consist of five (5) Members who shall be nominated and elected from the floor of the Spring meeting, two (2) of whom shall be elected from the Board of Directors, and three (3) from the Active Membership-­‐at-­‐large, who are not Board Members. the Nominating Committee shall propose one or more candidates for each unexpired Board term to be filled

Endowment Committee: (Two-year term, three term limit)

shall consist of five (5) persons, one of whom shall be the Treasurer of the Club. At least three other members of the Endowment Committee shall be Active Members of the Footlight Club.

The purpose of the Endowment Committee is to oversee the endowment fund. Oversight shall consist of:

Review of the portfolio no less than one time a year;

Review of the investment policy and plan no less than one time a year;

Recommendations for any needed changes to the investment policy and plan to the Board of Directors for both approval and implementation;

At each Annual Meeting and at such times as the Board of Directors or a quorum of Active Members may request, the Treasurer of the Club shall make a written accounting statement of the state of the fund; and

Acceptance of gifts, donations, and bequests in the name of the fund, and invest them in accordance with the then current investment policy and plan.

By Laws/Operations Committee: (One-year term, no term limit)

This committee shall meet during the fiscal year to review the By Laws of the Club and propose necessary changes thereof to the Board of Directors. Said changes must be proposed in sufficient time to be approved by the Board of Directors and mailed to the Members for action at the Annual meetings. The committee shall consist of at least three (3) active Members and as many other Members as may be appointed.

If you are interested in learning more about any of the board positions or committees listed above, or are interested in running for election, please email Vice President, Liz Bean, and include a letter of interest in the position you are interested in, as well as a resume or related experience, no later than August 1, 2020 .   

All Officers and Directors are required to be Active Members of the Club prior to election. If you have any questions about your membership status, you may reach out to Dustin Rennells, Membership Director

Thank you very much, I look forward to hearing from you!

Liz Bean

Vice President, The Footlight Club

Other Ways to Get Involved

Do you want to get more involved with the Footlight Club but don't know where to start? There are lots of ways to get involved! Consider applying to join one of our several committees that help manage Eliot Hall, our programming, and equity and inclusion.

Consider becoming a deputy to a member of the Board of Directors! Deputies shadow a member of the Board to learn about the position, what it entails, and teaches you about the inner workings of the Club.

Consider joining the Trustees of Eliot Hall! The Trustees of Eliot Hall are responsible for restoring, preserving, renovating and/or upgrading Eliot Hall, the home of the Footlight Club.

Consider learning more about Front of House Management, Props Closet Management, or helping out any of our community outreach activities to help us remain visible around our community and beyond.

We are always looking for talented and motivated individuals to join our team.

If you are interested in getting involved in some way, please email me.

Thank you very much, I look forward to hearing from you!

-Liz Bean

Vice President, The Footlight Club