Audition Notice: Blood Relations

Blood Relations

by Sharon Pollock

Direction: Kristin Hughes

Performances Dates: February 2, 8, 9, 15 & 16 at 8pm and Sunday February 3 at 2pm
Tech Dates (attendance is required): January 27 - February 1
Location: The Footlight Club, Eliot Hall, 7A Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, MA
Rehearsals: Rehearsals will begin November 18th and will typically be held on Tuesday, Thursdays & Sundays from 7 - 10pm through December with the addition of Wednesdays from 7-10pm after January 3rd. There will be limited rehearsal during the Christmas/New Year holiday. The actors portraying Miss Lizzie and the Actress should expect to be at all rehearsals; everyone else will be called less frequently to start, ramping up as production approaches.

AUDITIONS: By appointment only, please sign up here
Location: The Footlight Club, Eliot Hall, 7A Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, MA
Dates: Monday, November 12th & Wednesday, November 14th 7pm - 10pm (There are 3 one-hour slots per evening)
Callbacks: Thursday, November 15th at 7:00pm. 

Audition Details:

  • Auditions are by group appointment and will consist of readings from the scripts. 

  • Sides will be sent out at least a week prior to auditions, please prepare for all roles you wish to be considered for. 

Audition Requirements:

  • Audition forms can be filled out online or at the time of your audition.

  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes proper to your slot if you need to complete an audition form on site.

  • Bring a headshot and resume, only if you have one!

  • Know your conflicts to list on the audition sheet. Please be thorough.

Show Summary:

10 years after Lizzie Borden's acquittal on the charges of murdering her father and stepmother, she entertains an actress from Boston. During the visit, they explore together the answer to the Actress’s question - "Lizzie. Did you?" 

Sharon Pollock's Blood Relations melds elements of Victorian Gothic murder mystery, family melodrama, and a memory play. Lizzie and the actress explore themes of identity, sexuality, female agency, and the nature of truth while trying to resolve for themselves - and us - the answer to the question "Lizzie, Did you?"

The Characters:
Age ranges for roles are approximate and relative. Don't type yourself out. We believe in inclusive casting. Please audition for the part you would most like to play.

Miss Lizzie/Bridget (40s) - Lizzie Borden ten years after her acquittal; takes on the role of Bridget O'Sullivan, the Borden family maid (Irish accent required for Bridget). Bridget is Lizzie's confidante in a home filled with power struggles and secrets. Miss Lizzie is the holder of those secrets; we should see the fire of younger Lizzie underneath. 

The Actress/Lizzie (30s)  - The Actress is Lizzie's 'friend' - a talented, well-regarded professional actress, who Miss Lizzie 'seduces' into taking on the role of Lizzie at the time of the murders. Lizzie is fighting the boundaries of her life and losing - not at all gracefully. 

Emma Borden (40s) - Lizzie's older sister  - more traditional than Lizzie, more willing to accept the role society has proscribed for her, and not always understanding of Lizzie's need for freedom. 

Andrew Borden (60s-70) - Lizzie and Emma's father. A traditional man, tight with a dollar, who has no understanding of his younger daughter's need for freedom.  

Abigail Borden  (60s) - Lizzie and Emma's step-mother. A woman of her time, with no use for Lizzie's tantrums. Also tight with a dollar, and protective of her own rights and expectations in the event of Andrew's death. 

Harry Wingate (40s) - Abigail's younger brother. Charming, knows it, and anxious to get ahead, preferably with a leg up from Andrew's wealth - which puts him in direct conflict with Lizzie and Emma. 

Doctor Patrick/Defense (20s-30s) - Irish neighbor and a friend that Lizzie finds good and amusing company, he is in an unhappy marriage and flirts chastely with Lizzie. This actor also plays the Defense, Lizzie's attorney, and he is seen or heard at various times within the play.